How To Generate Leads On Facebook
The Definitive Guide For Building An Unstoppable Stream Of New Leads For Your Business!
Brands I Have Worked On:

There’s a shocking trend that is not in the headlines. It's the revenue that Facebook is generating. And, it is costing businesses billions. Yes, Billions!
Faulty Facebook advertising campaigns coupled with poor converting websites is the culprit.
Unfortunately, many business owners get frustrated and their take-a-way is "Facebook doesn't work!"
So they stop trying to drive traffic to their website AND, whatever traffic they do get, it STILL DOESN'T convert! Once they realize this, they often have to start over.
This guide will examine how to get your Facebook efforts to produce the results that you want! Let's get started...

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When it comes to websites, everyone loves traffic! It is a very simple concept, the more people visiting your website, the more likely you are to convert that traffic into leads.
The more leads you get, the more sales your business will have.
According to internetlivestats.com, there are over 286 Million internet users in the U.S. and according to statista.com there are over 214 Million Facebook users in the U.S.
In 2014, U.S. users spent an average of 39 minutes on Facebook every day and the social network has become a part of daily online usage for millions of users. The amount of time spent on Facebook has increased in 2017 and continues to grow!
Some business owners may be tempted to give up on their website and focus instead on a Facebook page. We encourage to NOT take this approach. Our core philosophy of Internet Marketing is that you should OWN the assets that you invest time and money into.
You don't OWN your Facebook fan page. What would happen if Facebook suddenly shut down your fan page? Would you still be in business?
However, you DO own your website. You have complete control over your content, visual appearance, conversions, etc with your website. Don't place all your eggs in a virtual basket you don't own, like Facebook.
Instead, use Facebook as one of your traffic sources, sending qualified traffic and leads to your website. This is what we discuss in this ebook.
Chapter 1:
The Types Of Content To Post On Facebook
Content is King - Facebook is not immune to this!
Content is the engine that drives Facebook. Facebook wouldn't exist without it. Therefore, content NEEDS to be the focus of your Facebook strategy.
Without content, you wouldn't be able to:
- Update Your Facebook Status
- Launch Facebook Ads
- Share Information With Fans
Consider this...
Why do you visit a website?
Why do your customers visit your website?
In many cases, it is to find answers or tips for some question or curiosity consuming your time.
Use Facebook Pages as your means for answering such questions or curiosities through any variety of the following content types:
- Blogging
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Case Studies and/or Examples
- Visuals
- Pose Questions
- Videos
- Quotes or Facts
Blogging is an excellent source of content. New and fresh content acts as a fantastic source of traffic from an SEO perspective but it also is a great net to capture traffic via Facebook.
new content will attract Googlebot to your website and the traffic from Facebook gives Google analytics that it likes to see.
Blogs also give you a reason to send people to your website on a regular basis, which is why many corporate brands blog.
Frequently Asked Questions are a great source of content. Every business has at least ten or more frequently asked questions. Also, every business has at least 10 questions that their consumers should be asking however they just don't know what they should be asking!
Rather than retyping the answers every time someone posts the question on your Facebook Page or asks you via email, list the answers on an easily accessible page on your website.
Case Studies
Case studies are a great way to connect with your audience. Your customers can "see themselves" in your product or service via your case studies. They can relate to the problems that your case study subject experienced, making it easier for them to identify with your services. These are much more effective than simple testimonials on your website.
Case studies allow you to showcase your company's strengths in a manner that your prospective customers will relate to.
The best way to implement this strategy is to create a library of case studies on your website. Then, periodically drip case study blurbs on Facebook with links back to your website.
A picture is word a thousand words! This is SO true, especially on the Internet. Take a look at the info graphic to the right. We cannot stress this enough. It is imperative that you incorporate visual content on your Facebook posts (and your website).
With numbers like, visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared, and visual content gets 94% more views, why would you not go visual?
Pose a Question
you are building a fence around your audience of customers and potential customers. Why not use this as an opportunity to get feedback with questions and surveys?
Asking questions on Facebook, according to research from Social Media Scientist Dan Zarrella, is an excellent way to generate more comments.
Just keep in mind that while questions do encourage comments, they tend to garner fewer Likes and shares.
Video is the next step with regard to visuals. Videos are one of our favorite mediums to get people's attention on Facebook. While they demand a larger commitment from your Facebook audience, it is worth it.
Video tips:
- Make the content worthwhile
- Make sure the audio is good quality
- Keep it short
Quotes or Facts
Sometimes the easiest way to garner attention from your audience is to simply post a statistic relevant to your industry or a quote from an influencer in your industry.
This type of short-form content is a very low commitment for the reader, making it easier for them to accept and act on the message via a Like, Comment, or Share.
Download The Whole Guide And Start Generating Leads From Facebook Once And For All.
The PDF download includes everything in this 4-part series.